Bellas Durmientes 20016
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Lawrence, a renowned writer, comes to Santiago to spend a winter course. There, by his colleague Elijah, finds a very special house on the outskirts of the city, run by a secretive and mysterious woman, Salome. In this house, mature men, old, spend the night with young dormant, seeking to regain his lost youth side.
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Preview — Bellas durmientes by Stephen King
En un futuro tan real y cercano que podría ser hoy, cuando las mujeres se duermen, brota de su cuerpo una especie de capullo que las aísla del exterior. Si las despiertan..more
- 27 likes · like
I'm not really going to go into the blurb or storyline. You can read that yourself or one of the many reviews that will come for this book. All the women have gone to sleep and all the men are acting a dang fool wondering who is going to feed them in an hour. That's my take on it.
Now for the things I liked. Which is not much.
First off, Stephen King is and pretty much will always be.My favorite author...more
Once a serious conflict commences—a fight to the death—objective reality is quickly lost in the smoke and noise.
Also, many of those who could have added their own accounts were dead.
As I was reading Sleeping Beauties, I was trying to find the words in my mind to sum up what I felt about the story - and Stephen King's stories in general - but then I got to the Authors' Note and discovered that they had done it for me: 'If a fantasy novel is to be believable, the details underpinning it must be..more
How about . . . the story of a mysterious disease and the fight between good and evil . . . darn it! That's The Stand!
One more try . . . the story of a magical prisoner who . . . ah, crap, I give up . . . that's The Green Mile!
Anyway, this is a pretty good book that brings back a lot of themes from earlier King novels. I have seen some places where people say they can tell the parts whe..more
There is a reference to a dead cat and a Mercedes. I might have missed some more but I caught those two and King fans will know where those references come from =)
There are a lot of characters in this book and I loved most of them! Evie was freaking awesome! I can't even think of all of them because I didn't make any notes! I was so enthralled every time I picked up this book to read on it that I didn't write anything down. So, I'm just go..more
16 days later and I'm FINALLY finished. I feel completely drained by this book and hope to write a review in the next week, but for now I think it's safe to say I didn't feel this was one of King's stronger books. I'll gather my notes together and hopefully make a compelling argument for why this didn't work well for me.
Buckle in, ladies and gentleman, we're gonna be here for a while. I have a lot of coming-to-grips to do with this book and you're about to watch me decide whether or not I like it, almost in real-time. Let's do this.
This is a smart book. It's not a good read, but it is smart. Let's face it, if smart books made for good reading, David Foster Wallace would outsell James Patterson.. (does that mean Patterson writes good reads? Fuck, stop. Let's rewo..more
Completely revised on 10/18/17
Stephen King, who recently turned 70, has written a phenomenal fifty plus bestsellers. Regrettably, 'Sleeping Beauties,' a writing collaboration with his younger son Owen that may seem touching in the paternal sense, fails to plunge the reader into the type of heart-thumping chills and page-flipping thrills that casual King fans crave. Rather, the novel proves itself a tiresome, often grandiose, fantasy-soapbox that is sure to please on..more
In a world where women have fallen asleep in cocoons, the men are left to figure things out. The premise was super intriguing but I'm not 100% sure I'm happy with the ending.
This book contained a lot of characters. A LOT. I did appreciate most of the feminist views included although it sometimes bordered on the 'm'lady hat tipping' side.
This book also featured one of my new most hated character of all time! Congrats Don Peters, you're a POS! :D
I'll probably update this review..more
Overall, yes it is a 700+ page book but it is worth it for that slow burn that keeps you interested. It's a King b..more
It took me about 4 months to read the first half. I realized then that if I was ever going to finish it I'd have to do the audiobook. That helped a lot. My one positive comment is that Sleeping Beaut..more
A strange epidemic spreads across the world wherein once all the women fall asleep they become cocooned in an unusual waxy material. Disruption or tearing upon of this cocoon will cause the female inside to act in a homicidal manner. Sleeping Beauties focuses on the events occurring in a small town, Dooling, West Virginia, and in particular Clint and Lila Norcross, Clint being the psychiatrist in the local female prison, and Lila..more
Eh….Not so much.
Around the world all the women who fall asleep become enveloped by mysterious cocoons that form almost instantly once they go night-night, and they aren’t waking up. They’re still alive, but if anyone tries to cut or tear open a cocoon the lady inside will pop awake in a psychotic rage in which she’ll immediately try to murder anyone around and then will immediately fall asleep and be..more
I’ll probably never look at moths the same way again.
What would happen to the world if half of the population went to sleep and never woke up? And how would that reaction differ if the population was divided by gender, and all of the sleepers were females? How would men handle a world without women?
I’ve been intrigued by this book since the cover art was released, and immediately put myself on hold for it at my local library. I was super exc..more
This started out strong and had me wondering why so many of my GR buddies were less than enchanted with it. I get it now. It wasn't a total snooze-fest, but overall it was a disappointing read for this particular Constant Reader.
A moth flutters from the branch of the old oak tree and settles on her hand
It's been a while since I read a book by Stephen King. Until a few years ago (okay I think it was possibly 20 years ago when I was a teenager hahaha), he was by far my favourite author. My second favourite author was Clive Barker. I used to read so many horror books and I did not mind at all the fact that King was considered an entertainer, not really a quality author. If you wanted to read q..more
Somewhere in the future in an Appalachian town of Dooling (is this a spoof on drooling which one might do when they fall asleep?), women are falling asleep and being cocooned in a sticky white substance. Psst..don't wake them. No one likes to be waken from a deep sleep, especially the women in this book who become violent once awoken. This is a big book so I am not going to give a big synopsis on it. The long and short of it is this: women are falling asleep, those not asleep yet are..more
Bella Durmiente En Ingles
rated it did not like it · review of another editionThen there's this book. Holy hell. I have issues with this book, oh yes indeed. This was a collaboration between Stephen and Owen King (SK's youngest child), and I don't think it was an altogether..more
In front of the shed she plucked up a piece of paper caught in a bush. At the top, in big blue letters, it..more
Stephen King really gets you inside the characters heads and creates complex characters. I had strong feelings about many of the characters.
There were too many damn characters. There was a cast of characters at the beginning of the book that had over 70 people listed. I was like, do I really need to study this before reading? Is this going to be on the tes..more
I'm always wary of collaborations, too often they come out stilted and awkward. But that was far from the case with Sleeping Beauties. It was absolutely seamless, I couldn't pick out what was Stephen and what was Owen even if I tried!
The whole idea of the sto..more
After recently reading THE OUTSIDER and absolutely 5 Staring it, my first impression of SLEEPING BEAUTIES is that it didn't sound or feel like there was much of a Stephen King presence here, albeit found this early quote pretty cool...
'The Black Angel came up from the roots and down from the branches. Her fingers are death and her hair is full of cobwebs and dream is her kingdom.'
There are bunches of characters here, but no worries..a complete listing is provided up front an
..moreI'm not going to finish this book; at least right now. Maybe I'll be more tolerant of the slow pacing, exorbitant cast of characters and weak plot line, later. Although I doubt it. I was 450ish pages into a 700 page novel and my suspicion is that this book was more of an Owen King effort instead of Papa King.
I didn't see Stephen's fingerprints on this AT ALL. This book had no teeth, no edge, no bite.
This wouldn't be the first time I DNF'd a King book, so I don't feel bad about it. He has so m..more
OK, so yes, I've been putting off writing this review. Some knob on Instagram even @ Stephen King for my picture that discussed why I didn't love it. I wanted to love it. It's Stephen Effing King, and I really wanted to love it, but I didn't. And I think it's because this book is more Owen than Stephen.
Full disclosure, I have never read Owen King. I don't know his writing style. But I do know Stephen Ki..more
Yet still creative, enjoyable Epic.
ماذا لو استيقظ الرجال كلهم ذات يوم، ولم يصح النساء أبدا
نعم، هن.المتحرش بهن، المضطهدات، حاملات كل الأعباء المنزلية بل والحياتية
لكن دونهن، لن يقود الرجال العالم إلا للفناء
يبدو ان ستيفين كينج وصل لمرحلة 'نحت' نفسه
فتلك الرواية ستشعر أنها تحمل نفس ملامح روايتين من أضخم رواياته
ولكنها خلطة ناجحة طالما تم إعادة تدوير الفكرة بشكل جديد مبتكر..والأهم أن تناسب العصر
الوقفة هنا تخص الأنثي..المرأة.في زمن تصاعد فيه كشف فضائح التحرش، الاضطها..more
Not really a surprise as I love Stephen King's work, but it was actually a little surprising to me how much I loved it.
When release day for this book came round, I was sick at home so I ordered it online, and it arrived the next day. When I saw how big it actually was I kind of baulked a little, but soon started reading. The cast of characters listed at the beginning of the book scared me. I prefer less characters in a book like this not the whole town, but luckily quite a fe..more
Oh I knew it would be good, at least I hoped so. I’ve read some “collaborations” that seemed after a few pages read to be written almost entirely by the lesser known writer, then the book selling author would make some notes, some suggestions and stand by waiting for the royalties check.
Also … 700 pages? Really? I started with some trepidation, afraid that I would like the beginning and then slog through the long middle pages praying for the end to come.
But to both, I c..more
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